
Many students will come to the Centre for Wellbeing for support with extenuating circumstances. This page will give you some important information before you visit.

The University considers requests for the recognition of extenuating circumstances where there has been:

  • Bereavement through the death of a close relative or significant other.
  • Serious short term illness (physical or mental) or accident.
  • A long-term (chronic) health problem (physical or mental) suddenly worsening.
  • Other exceptional circumstances that affect the students ability to submit an assessment on time or attend an exam.

More information about these regulations is available in your student handbook.

Applying for extenuating circumstances

If you have already been using the Centre for Wellbeing service/have been seen within the last two months, and you wish to apply for extenuating circumstances for an upcoming exam or piece of work, we may be able to provide you with supporting evidence, depending on your circumstances and how they are impacting upon you. Please make an appointment with your regular advisor or counsellor to discuss this further.

We will not normally supply EC evidence for appeals after results of assessments have been issued.

Support from the Centre for Wellbeing

Unfortunately, if this is the first time you’ve approached the Centre for Wellbeing, or if you have been in touch with us in the past but haven’t seen us during the last two months, we are unable to provide you with supporting evidence.

If there is anyone else you have spoken to about the circumstances affecting you (e.g. GP, other external healthcare professional), we would recommend you contact them to discuss your needs.

We will not normally supply EC evidence for appeals after results of assessments have been issued.

New Centre for Wellbeing clients

Applying for retrospective extenuating circumstances is complicated, as not only do you have to provide supporting evidence that confirms what your circumstances were and how they were affecting you at the time, you also need to provide compelling evidence as to why you did not submit extenuating circumstances prior to the exam/assessment taking place.

If you have been in recent regular contact with our service, in certain circumstances we may be able to assist you and you should make an appointment to discuss this further with your regular nurse/counsellor.

Unfortunately, if this is the first time you’ve approached the Centre for Wellbeing, or if you have been in touch with us in the past but haven’t seen us during the last two months, we are unable to provide you with supporting evidence.

Retrospective extenuating circumstances

Finding out you have failed a piece or work and/or going through the appeals process is likely to be a difficult time. Even if we cannot provide you with supporting evidence, we may be able to offer you emotional support in the form of an appointment with a member of Centre for Wellbeing staff. If you have been course terminated we are still happy to meet with you for a one-off appointment and can signpost you to support services outside of the University.

Emotional support

Download our flowchart (PDF) to help you find the best route for seeking support from the Centre for Wellbeing about extenuating circumstances.

Options for extenuating circumstances